Biogeographica Vol.3

Studies on the fauna of the Ryukyu Islands

No.1 (March 1938)

岡田 彌一郎
沖縄島の概況. 1-64.

Kuroda, Nagamichi
Mammals collected in the Islands Okinawa and Yaeyama in the Ryukyu Islands. 65-69.

Okada, Yaichiro and Hyoji Ikeda
The fresh water fishes of Okinawa-Zima. 71-86.

Nomura, Sitihei
A note some fossil from the Ryukyu Islands. 87-91.

上野 益三
沖縄島のせき翅及び蜉蝣類. 92-99.

Tsuda, Matsunae
Zur kenntnis der trichopteren von Liukiu auf grund des materials der 1935 Liukiu-Expedition. 100-104.

Miyadi, Denzaburo
Molluscan fauna of the limestone caves in Miyako-zima of the Ryukyu Islands. I. Limnological features of the caves and their fauna. 105-109.

Mori, Syuiti
Molluscan fauna of the limestone caves in Miyako-zima of the Ryukyu Islands. II. Description of two new molluscs, Cochlipopsis basiangulata n. g., n. sp. and Pisidium (Neopisidium) cavernicum n. sp. 110-114.

No.2 (October 1939)

Takahashi, Ryoichi
A new species of Aphididae from the Islands of Loochoo (Hemiptera). 115-117.

Verhoeff, Karlw
Diplopoden von der Ryukyu-Insel Okinawa. 118-122.

高桑 良興
沖縄諸島に於ける脣足類. 123-126.

屋代 弘孝
南大東島の昆虫. 127-130.

Ikeda, Hyoji
Notes on the fishes of the Riu-kiu Islands. III. A biometric study on the species of Kuhlidae in the Riu-kiu Islands. 131-158.

Okada, Yaichiro and Hyoji Ikeda
Notes on the fishes of the Riu-kiu Islands. IV. 159-206.

屋代 弘孝
沖縄地方に於ける二,三害虫及益虫の伝播経路に就いて. 207-209.

Okada, Yaichiro and Hyoji Ikeda
The freshwater fishes of Miyako-zima and adjacent Island. 210-219.

Tokunaga, Shigeyasu and Takai, Fuyuji
A study of Metacervulus astylodon (Matsumoto) from the Ryukyu Island, Japan. 221-248.

No.3 (December 1941)

岡田 豊日
琉球列島の双翅目昆虫. 249-272.

高島 春雄
琉球列島産全蠍目及脚鬚目. 273-286.

Aoyagi, Hyozi
Notes on the fishes of the Ryukyu Islands. V. The marine fishes of Miyako Island. 287-302.

Kubo, Itsuo
On some freshwater shrimps from the Ryukyu Islands. 303-318.

山階 芳麿
琉球列島特産鳥類三種の分類学的位置と生物地理学的意義に就いて. 319-328.

No.4 (December 1942)

Yamaguti, Satyu
Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part 39. Trematodes of fishes mainly from Naha. 329-398.

Yamaguti, Satyu
Studies on the helminth fauna of Japan. Part 40. Three new species of trematodes from the bile ducks of marine mammals. 399-407.