日本生物地理学会会報 Vol. 07


Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan

No.1 Kobayasi, Yosio 25 Jan 1937
several luminous mycomycetes from Bonin Islands. 7: 1-7, pls.1-3.

No.2 Uchida, Tohru Jan 1937
Water mites from Kyushu. 7: 9-29.

No.3 Satô, Ikio 25 Jan 1937
A synopsis of the family Hynobiidae of Japan. 7: 31-45.

No.4 Hatai, Kotora 15 Feb 1937
A note on the geologigal significance of the habitat of certain marine invertebrates. 7: 47-55.

No.5 Hatai, Kotora M. 15 Feb 1937
A note concerning the distinctive features between certain Brachiopoda genera. 7: 57-61.

No.6 Nomura, Sitihei & Kotora Hatai 20 Feb 1937
Some fossil marine invertebrates from the Semata Shell-Beds, Semata, Itihara-Gun, Kazusa Province, central Japan. 7: 63-66.

No.7 Okada, Yaichiro & Hyôzi Ikeda 15 Mar 1937
Notes on the fishes of the Riu-Kiu Islands. II. Pomacentridae and Callionymidae. 7: 67-95, pls.4-6.

No.8 野村 健一 15 Apr 1937
蝶類の分布より見たる日本島嶼に於ける昆蟲相に就いて. 7: 97-164.

No.9 Hatai, Kotora 05 Mar 1937
Occurrence of the brachiopod genus Macandrevia in Japanese neogene. 7: 165-167.

No.10 Hatai, Kotora 05 Mar 1937
A note on the mode of occurrence of fossil Juglans cinerea Linne. 7: 169-170.

No.11 細川 隆英 30 Jun 1937
トラック島の椊物地理学的研究(豫報)*. 7: 171-255.

No.12 Okuda, Shiro 10 Aug 1937
Polychaetous annelids from from the Palau Islands and adjacent waters, the south sea islands. 7: 257-315.

No.13 Hatai, Kotora 30 Sep 1937
On some recent brachiopods from eastern Shantung, China. 7: 317-324.

No.14 Hatai, Kotora M. 30 Sep 1937
Miscellaneous notes on some recent Brachiopoda. 7: 325-327.

* UNICODE 形式で保存してあるため漢字に文字化けあり