日本生物地理学会会報 Vol. 11


Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan

No.1 The Marquess Hachisuka, Ph.D. 15 Feb 1941
Description of a new species of bird from the Philippine Islands. 11: 1-4.

No.2 The Marquess Hachisuka, Ph.D. 15 Mar 1941
Description of a new genus and species of sunbird from the Philippine Islands. 11: 5-8.

No.3 The Marquess Hachisuka, Ph.D. 20 Mar 1941
Note on Hainan mammals. 11: 9-14.

No.4 鈴木 正將 20 Apr 1941
満州及び北支那の盲蛛類(I). 11: 15-22.

No.5 Hatai, Kotora 25 Apr 1941
On a new fossil brachiopod from Mndoro Island. 11: 23-25.

No.6 Hatai, Kotora & Yôzi Kitagawa 25 Apr 1941
On two species of fossil Lingula from the pliocene of Monô-Gun, Miyagi-Ken, Japan. 11: 27-30.

No.7 Hatai, Kotora & Sinzi Yosida 20 May 1941
On the occurrence of Dosinia tatunokutiensis Nomura from Hokkaidô. 11: 31-35.

No.8 Kuronuma, Katsuzo 30 May 1941
Notes on rare fishes taken off the Pacific Coast of Japan. 11: 37-67, pls.1-2

No.9 Fukui, Tamao & Toji Ogata 31 May 1941
A new species of trematode from a Manchurian bat. 11: 69-76.

No.10 Ogata, Toji 31 May 1941
Contribution à la connaissance de la faune helminthologique coréenne. II. Deux espèces nouvelles de trématodes d'une chauve-souris Eptesicus serotinus parvus. 11: 77-96.

No.11 Nakamura, Morizumi 10 Jun 1941
Notes on three species of Japanese bitterings spawn in autumn. 11: 97-100.

No.12 Yabe, Hisakatsu & Motoki Eguchi 15 Jun 1941
Corals of Toyama Bay. 11: 101-104.

No.13 Hatai, Kotora 20 Jun 1941
Additional fossils from certain miocene formations. 11: 105-112, pl.3.

No.14 Marquis Kuroda, Nagamichi, D.Sc. 20 Nov 1941
Descriptions of two apparently new forms of mammals from Saghalien and S.W. Hondo, Japan. 11: 113-115.

No.15 Uchida, Tohru 29 Dec 1941
Water mites from Manchoukuo. 11: 117-119.