日本生物地理学会会報 Vol. 14


Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan

No.1 山階 芳麿 Jan 1944
南ニューギニア産胸赤冠鳩の一新亜種に就て. 14: 1-2.

No.2 Marquis Yamashina, Yoshimaro Jan 1944
Two new subspecies of birds from Formosa and Yunnan. 14: 3-4.

No.3 Abe, Tokiharu 01 May 1949
Taxonomic studies on the puffers (Tetraodontidae, Teleostei) from Japan and adjacent regions-V. Synopsis of the puffers from Japan and adjacent regions. 14: 1-15.

No.4 Watanabe, Masao 01 May 1949
Studies on the fishes of the Ryukyu Islands II. A new cirrhitoid fish. 14: 17-20.

No.5 Okada, Yaichiro & Kojiro Kato 01 May 1949
Studies on luminous animals in Japan. III. Preliminary report on the life history of Cypridina hilgendorfi. 14: 21-25.

No.6 Kubo, Itsuo 01 May 1949
On a new species of the genus Anchistus. 14: 26-29.

No.7 Yamazaki, Takashi 01 May 1949
The relation between the geological history and geographical distribution in Pedicularis Sect. Sceptrae. 14: 31-32.

No.8 Watanabe, Masao 31 Jul 1949
Studies on the fishes of the Ryukyu Islands I. Four unrecorded butterfly fishes. 14: 33-43.

No.9 Shiino, Sueo M. 20 Aug 1949
On two new species of the bopyrid genus Bopyrella. 14: 45-50.

No.10 Shiino, Sueo M. 25 Aug 1949
On two new bopyrid parasites belonging to the genus Orbione. 14: 51-55.

No.11 Shiino, Sueo M. 20 Sep 1949
On two new genera of Bopyridae found in Japan. 14: 57-63.

No.12 黒田 長禮 31 Oct 1949
コムクドリの個体変化・分布及び「渡り《について. 14: 65-87.

No.13 Abe, Tokiharu 26 Dec 1949
Taxonomic studies on the puffers (Tetraodontidae, Teleostei) from Japan and adjacent regions-V. Synopsis of the puffers from Japan and adjacent regions (continued from vol.14, no.1, p.15). 14: 89-140, pls.1-2.