日本生物地理学会会報 Vol. 21


Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan

No.1 Aoki, Junichi April 1959
Die moosmilben (Oribatei) aus sudjapan. 1-22.

No.2 南川 幸 May 1959
鈴鹿山脈における北部系統植物の分布地理. 23-27.

No.3 蒲生 重雄 May 1959
第二次日本南極観測隊によって採集されたクーマ類の1種 Diastylis corniculatus Hale について. 29-32.

No.4 大野 正男 June 1959
日本産 Liprus 属について. 日本産ノミハムシ類に関する研究 (2). 33-44, pl.1.

No.5 Sudzuki, Minoru July 1959
Limnological survey of the Lake Nojiri on the tableland in middle Japan. I. General survey of the lake. 45-62.

No.6 Imamura, Taiji July 1959
Check list of the troglobiontic Trombidiidae, Porohalacaridae and Hydrachnellae of Japan. 63-66.

No.7 黒田 長久 August 1959
壱岐島及び山口県から出土の鳥骨について. 67-74, pl.1-4.

No.8 Kuroda, Nagamichi August 1959
Examples of the occurrence of the green-winged teal of North America obtained in Japan. 75-76.

No.9 Kuroda, Nagamichi August 1959
An authentic record of the occurrence the white-eyed duck in Japan. 77-78.

No.10 Kuroda, Nagamichi August 1959
A supplementary list of photographs or coloured figures of male ducks in eclipse plumage. 79-84.