日本生物地理学会会報 Vol. 22


Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan

No.1 Matsumoto, Koichi*1 January 1960
Subterranean isopods of the Shikoku Distict, with the descriptions of three new species. 1-17.

No.2 Sudzuki, Minoru February 1960
Limnological survey of the Lake Nojiri on the tableland in middle Japan. 19-26.

No.3 Matsumoto, Koichi*1 December 1960
Subterranean isopods of the Kyushu District, with the descriptions of three new species*2. 27-44.

No.4 Matsumoto, Koichi*1 January 1961
The subterranean isopods of Honshu with the descriptions of four new species*2. 45-67.

No.5 Kimura, Seiro*1 October 1961
A new salmonid fish, Onchorhynchus iwame sp. nov., obtained from Kyushu, Japan. 69-74.

No.6 Aoki, Jun-ichi October 1961
Notes on the oribatid mites (I). 75-79.

No.7 Arimoto, Ishitaro 10 November 1961
A new species of the Caprellidae collected from off Hachinohe Bay, Aomori Prefecture. 81-83.

No.8 大野 正男 January 1963
クロウリハムシおよびその亜種. 85-88.

No.9 石田 昇三 February 1963
トカラ群島*3の蜻蛉類. 89-95, pls.1-4.

*1 著者名アクセント記号を省略
*2 著者名および表題からアクセント記号を省略
*3 表題第二水準漢字を画面表示不能