日本生物地理学会会報 Vol. 24


Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan

No.1 Kawakatsu, Masaharu & Tatsuya Yamada March 1966
Additional studies on the morphology of Polycelis schmidti (Zabusov), with remarks on distribution. 1-8.

No.2 川勝 正治 15 June 1966
日本産淡水棲三岐腸類既知種の総覧. 9-28.

No.3 Jayaram, K.C. September 1966
Contributions to the study of bagrid fishes (Siluroidea: Bagridae). 5. On a new species of the genus Coreobagrus Mori. 29-32.

No.4 Okada, Yaichiro 10 September 1966
Biological research projects on Okinawa. 33-34.

No.5 Okada, Yaichiro 5 October 1966
Some recent views on the geographical distribution of reptiles and amphibians in Japan. 35-36.

No.6 石城 謙吉 10 November 1967
東北海道伊茶仁川にそ上したオショロコマについて. 37-44 *1.

No.7 柚原 徹 25 November 1967
九州産山椒魚の種類と分布(第一報). 45-55, pls.1-3.

No.8 Arimoto, Ishitaro 20 January 1968
A new caprellid Amphipoda Monoliropus tener n. sp. collected from Tateyama Bay. 59-61.

No.9 波部 忠重・伊藤 潔 20 March 1968
北海道知床半島沖産エゾバイ属の新種. 63-65.

No.10 Habe, tadashige 30 March 1970
New species of the genus Schilderia from the South China Sea. 67-69.

No.11 Arimoto, Ishitaro 15 June 1970
Two new genera and three species of caprellids (Amphipoda: Caprellidae) from the Arabian Sea. 71-78.

No.12 波部 忠重
北海道産新蝸牛アポイマイマイ. 79-80.

*1 ページ番号が振られていない