日本生物地理学会会報 Vol. 27


Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan

Numata, Makoto
Quarternary history of grasslands ---- partcularly on relationships of climate to grasses and grassland types and on human role in development of grassland formations on the Earth ----. 1-8.

吉岡 郁夫
先史時代におけるハイガイの消長. 9-12.

Suzuki, Keiichi
Some new species of oribatid mites from the Izu Peninsula II. Diapterobates izuensis sp. n. 13-18.

黒田 長禮
世界のガン・カモ類の学名の解釈. 19-36.

Sudzuki, Minoru
Die das kapillarwasser des luckensystems bewohnenden gastrotrichen Japans II. 37-41.

Arimoto, Ishitaro
List of Caprellidae Amphipoda in Japan with record of new localities (3). 43-47.

Ohe, Fumio
A new fossil sparoid cranium (Pisces) from the reclaimed land in the southern part of Nagoya. 49-57.

Arimoto, Ishitaro
Caprellidae of Japan (3). 59-65.