日本生物地理学会会報 Vol. 33


Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan

湊 宏
沖永良部島・与論島の陸産貝類相. 1-8.

Chinone, Shigeo
Additional report on the soil mites of the family Brachychthoniidae from Japan. 9-32.

Arimoto, Ishitaro
A new caprellid Caprella (Rostrhicephala) equina n. sp. (Amphipoda, Caprellidea) from Kunimi-cho, O'ita Prefecture, in Japan. 33-36.

Watanabe, Masao and Bruce T. Campbell
Newly recorded gobioid fish, Luciogobius grandis Arai from Taiwan. 37-41.

Arimoto, Ishitaro ahd Akira Hirayama
A list of Caprellidea (Amphipoda) in Oshika Peninsula, Tohoku District, with description of a new species and some new record to Japan. 43-53.