日本生物地理学会会報 Vol. 37

20 December 1982

Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan

Terayama, Mamoru
Regional differences of the ant fauna of the Nansei Archipelago based on the quantative method, I. Analysis using Nomura-Simpson's Coefficient. 1-5.

Terayama, Mamoru
Regional differences of the ant fauna of the Nansei Archipelago based on the quantative method, II. Analysis using Harmonity Index of taxon. 7-10.

Gamo, Sigeo
A giant deep-sea tanaid, Gigantapseudes sp. (Crustacea) taken far off southeast of Mindanao, the Philippines. 11-13.

武田 正倫
ドレッジにより得られた伊豆半島東南岸沖のカニ類. 15-21.

Hosoya, Kazumi
Freshwater fish fauna of the Yoshii River, Okayama Prefecture. 23-35.

伊藤 正一・本間 義治・北見 健彦
加茂湖(佐渡島)の動物相続報 I. 37-43.