日本生物地理学会会報 Vol. 38

20 December 1983

Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan

Special Number on the 55th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Society

Kuroda, Nagahisa
Commemorative Massage on the 55th Anniversary. 1.

Kawakatsu, Masaharu, Iwashiro Oki, Sachiko Tamura, Takao Yamayoshi and Ajit Kumar Aditya
A new freshwater planarian from West Bengal, India. 3-10.

冨山 清升
中・北部琉球列島における陸産貝類相の数量的解析. 11-22.

本間 義治・北見 健彦・水沢 六郎
漂着記録などよりみた新潟・佐渡近海における頭足類. 23-29.

Sato, Hidebumi
Hesperochernes shinjoensis, a new pseudoscorpion (Chernetidae) from Japan. 31-34.

Yoshida, Hajime
A new spider of the genus Octonoba (Araneae, Uloboridae) from Uotsuri-jima of the Senkaku Islands, Japan. 35-38.

Nakamura, Koichiro and Koichi Sekiguchi
Seasonal occurrence of four species of pycnogonids in Nabeta Bay, Shimoda, Japan. 39-43.

Gamo, Sigeo
Occurrence of a bathypelagic harpacticoid copepod, Aegisthus mucronatus Giesbrecht (Crustacea) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. 45-50.

Hanamura, Yukio
Pelagic shrimps (Penaeidae and Caridea) from Baja California and its adjacent region with description of a new species. 51-85.

Takeda, Masatsune and Kouichi Iwasaki
Remarkable crabs from the Ryukyu Islands (1). 87-91.

Terayama, Mamoru
Biogeographic study of the ant fauna of the Izu and the Ogasawara Islands. 93-103.

Watanabe, Masao
A review of homalopterid fishes of Taiwan, with description of a new species. 105-123.

Nakamura, Kazue, Yutaka Tanaka and Minekiyo Hasegawa
Distribution status of the Wilson's storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus in Japanese waters. 125-128.