渡部 正雄, 1989,
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: i-vii.
浅野 長愛, 1989,
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: ix-xii.
黒田 長久, 1989,
山階芳麿博士の鳥類生物地理学的貢献 ―― とくに島嶼種形成の遺伝学的考察 ―― .
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 1-10.
Higuchi, Hiroyoshi and Noritomo Kawaji, 1989,
Ijima's willow warbler Phylloscopus ijimae of the Tokara Islands, a new
breeding locality, in southwest Japan.
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 11-15.
青木 雄二, 1989,
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 17-25.
青木 雄二, 1989,
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 27-34.
Murofushi, Makoto, Toshiyuki Nakatsubo
and Peter J. Smith, 1989,
Karyological study on the New Zealand leatherjacket, Parika scaber,
fish of the order Tetraodontiformes.
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 35-38.
酒井 治己・横山 智哉・酒井 康司・松本 聡司・久保田 善二郎, 1989,
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 39-47.
Oguro, Chitaru, 1989,
Poraniopsis inflata (Fisher) from Toyama Bay (Echinodermata, Asteroidea).
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 49-50.
Hanamura, Yukio, 1989,
Deep-sea shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) collected by the R.V. "Soela" from southern Australia.
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 51-69.
Hayashi, Ken-Ichi and Toshiro Chiba, 1989,
Heptacarpus igarashii sp. nov. from northern Japan (Decapoda, Caridea, Hippolytidae).
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 71-76.
Komai, Tomoyuko and Masatsune Takeda, 1989,
Sclerocrangon unidentata, a new crangonid shrimp from the Pacific coast of
Honshu, Japan (Crustacea: Decapoda).
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 77-84.
Gamo, Sigeo, 1989,
Some bathyal cumacean and isopod crustaceans from the Okinawa Trough, the East China Sea,
with descriptions of a new genus and five new species.
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 85-104.
大久保 一郎・井田 宏一, 1989,
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 105-107, pls.1-4.
Tanaka, Hozumi, 1989,
A new species of the genus Pirata Sundevall (Araneae: Lycosidae) from
the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 109-110.
Tsurusaki, Nobuo, 1989,
Geographic variation of chromosomes in Sabacon makinoi Suzuki
(Arachnida, Opiliones, Sabaconidae).
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 111-116.
Sasaji, Hiroyuki, 1989,
A new species of the genus Monocoryna (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) from Thailand,
with notes on the phylogenetic position and the distribution of the genus.
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 117-121.
Nemoto, Keisuke, 1989,
Systematic position of Pterostichus yoritomus Bates and its allied species of Japan
(Coleoptera, Carabidae).
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 123-125.
Okajima, Shuji, 1989,
The genus Phaulothrips Hood (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) from the oriental region.
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 127-134.
Uchida, Shigekazu and Tsukane Yamasaki, 1989,
Some Perlinae (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from the Malay Peninsula and Thailand
with the redescription of Neoperla hamata from Assam.
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 135-143.
Terata, Kohji and Seiroku Sakai, 1989,
The third forma of Anechura harmandi (Burr) (Forficulidae, Dermaptera).
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 145-150.
Sakai, Seiroku, 1989,
Some interesting problems on Japanese Dermaptera with reference to the check list of
Dermaptera of Japan.
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 151-155, pls.1-16.
Imadate, Gentaro, 1989,
Occurrence of Huhentomon and Hesperentomon (Protura) in Japan.
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 157-164.
杉山 広・奥田 稔・冨村 保・西田 弘, 1989,
三重県伊賀地方産サワガニ Geothelphusa dehaani におけるウェステルマン肺吸虫
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 165-173.
Kawakatsu, Masaharu and Robert W. Mitchell, 1989,
Dugesia deharvengi sp. nov., a new troglobitic freshwater planarian from
Tham Kubio Cave, Thailand (Turbellaria; Tricladida; Paludicola).
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 175-182.
Kawakatsu, Masaharu and Koichi Sekiguchi, 1989,
Redescription of an ectoparasitic marine triclad, Bdelloura candida (Girard, 1850)
(Turbellaria; Tricladida; Maricola), collected from the American horseshoe crab,
Limulus polyphemus.
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 183-198.
浅川 満彦・原田 正史, 1989,
日本生物地理学会会報, 44: 199-210.